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Helpful Ways to Honor World Mental Health Day 2024

Between rushing to meet deadlines, endless events, and constant notifications pinging your phone, it’s easy to get caught up in the business of life without taking time for restoration. This is especially true if you often put pressure on yourself to maintain a productive or active schedule. 

This alleviating stress can compound, leading to negative impacts on your mental, and even physical health. As it stands, NAMI reports that nearly 1 in 5 U.S. adults experience mental illness, which includes common issues such as anxiety and depression. 

To support yourself, and look out for your community, there’s a day coming up that’s designed to highlight proactive ways to tune into your mental health, and support for yourself and your community.

When is World Mental Health Day 2024?

Every year, World Mental Health Day is recognized on October 10th. According to the World Health Organization, this is an opportunity to spread awareness about resources for mental health treatment. It’s also a good time to reflect on how you’ve been managing your stress levels and make positive changes. 

Leading up to this moment, we’ve pulled together a list of ideas to honor this day and put positive practices into your daily routines. 

5 Ways to Honor World Mental Health Day 2024


Create A Healthier Work/Life Balance 


A person using an cell phone and a laptop

Often, the majority of your time during the week is spent at work. Make it a good place to be.

If you’re someone who says ‘yes’ to every task, you might find that your plate is fuller than you can manage. Even if your company is in the middle of a busy season, there are small ways to take back control over your schedule. 

Look at your upcoming meetings, and see if you can skip the ones that feel unnecessary, or often slow down your workflow. And don’t be afraid to say no to the ones that pop up unexpectedly, or suggest a time that works better for you. Taking a day off is also an option, especially if you have extra PTO days to use as we reach the end of the year. 

And lastly, sometimes it all comes back to the environment. If you and your team feel disconnected, see if you can plan a team lunch to get back in a better rhythm. 


Spend Time In Nature 

With many of us spending our days in front of screens, we often lose our connection to nature, which is linked to positive cognitive benefits, and an overall improved mood. On World Mental Health Day 2024, we bet you can find even ten minutes to get outside. 

This can look like a morning walk through your local park, an afternoon bike ride or even a full day of hiking if you listened to our previous advice and clocked out of work. This is also a good opportunity to invest in your space, whether you finally start that gardening project you haven’t found time for, buy yourself flowers, or add a new house plant to the mix. 

And as we head into winter in a few months, the days will be shorter, so be sure to take advantage of the extra daylight while you can. 


Volunteer For A Meaningful Cause 

Giving back, especially for a cause that aligns with your core values, is a fantastic way to remind yourself of who you are, and how you see yourself making a difference in this world. 

Start by reflecting on what you are passionate about, and see if there are local volunteer opportunities that match up. This can look like signing up for a race that allows you to raise donations for a foundation that’s meaningful to you. 

Or, if you share our commitment to sustainability, you can host a park clean-up with neighbors, or start a compost bin to reduce food waste. And if you’re looking to donate your time on a consistent basis, see if there is a local mentorship program where you can advise students on their career path. 

However you decide to give back, every small step counts. 


Connect With A Close Friend or Family Member 

Sometimes, a simple text message can make all the difference. As humans, we all experience happiness and hardships. 

If you know of a friend or family member who’s going through a difficult time or even experiencing an exciting big life change, give them a call, mail them a letter, or even send them an uplifting message you saw on social media. These frequent check-ins can help them open up and know they have your support, even if you’re far away. 

This is a particularly important practice for long-distance connections, as it can be hard to grasp what’s going on in their daily lives. Once you catch up, plan a time to see each other! 


Plan A Self-Care Day


A kettlebell and a yoga mat

There is no one right way to have a self-care day, and that’s the beauty of it. 

Ask yourself, if you had one day to do whatever you wanted, what would that look like? Then, plan from there. This can look like booking your favorite workout class, trying a new recipe, or making yourself an extravagant at-home movie night with your favorite sweats, like a soft fleece women’s pullover or comfortable and relaxed men’s hoodie. And don’t forget the popcorn. 

Aside from activities, self-care also looks like saying no to plans, writing a gratitude list, or booking that long-overdue doctor’s appointment. 

By the way, your self-care practices shouldn’t stop after World Mental Health Day. It’s something that should be incorporated into your daily routines. 

Continue to Celebrate World Mental Health Day

As mentioned above, managing your mental health, and sticking to your list of self-care non-negotiables should always be top of mind. When you’re in control, you will have more energy to show up better for your coworkers, family, friends, and most importantly, yourself. Take this day to rest and recalibrate; you deserve it!